Purpose: To ensure compliance with all clinical facility sites, the following procedure will be followed by MTSA CRNA faculty who observe student performance in the clinical setting.
The Program Administrator, Assistant Program Administrators, and CRNA faculty will complete the necessary forms as required by any clinical site with whom MTSA has a contractual clinical agreement.
- Health Screening Forms: This form may include proof of titers of: varicella, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, TB skin test, Influenza vaccination, Pertussis booster since age 18.
- Overview of Privacy Policies Form: This form must be read and signed by each individual requiring access.
- Any other Site Specific form that a clinical site/facility may require.
Copies of these forms will be sent to the site Clinical Coordinator, and copies will also be kept on file in each faculty file by the Coordinator of Clinical Support for future reference.
MTSA Program Administrator, Assistant Program Administrators, or their CRNA designee may be provided a Visitors Badge from a specific clinical site that must be worn at all times during an on-site visit to operating room facilities during review of student performance.
Any COA (or other accrediting body) reviewer must have the same documentation above provided for proof of immunizations and review of privacy policies prior to any on-site visit, as determined by the specific clinical site.
The names of any COA (or other accrediting body) reviewer must be provided to MTSA in advance of an on-site review to assure that the proper documentation has been provided to any specific clinical site and to have a Visitor Badge provided from that site (if required). The COA (or other accrediting body) reviewer must wear the Visitor Badge at all times during the on-site review of the OR facilities and student performance.
To ensure continued, uninterrupted access to the OR facilities at all contracted clinical affiliates:
- The MTSA Program Administrator and Assistant Program Administrators will review these requirements at least annually with the Coordinator of Clinical Support at MTSA, as well as with each Clinical Coordinator on the annual site visit, as required by the Council on Accreditation (COA). This will be documented in the Clinical Site Visit form.
- Should any requirements to access change, MTSA will notify COA immediately, via email, so that any COA (or other accrediting body) reviewer will be made aware of the changes in documentation requirements, and MTSA Program Administrator and Assistant Program Administrators will complete any additional requirements for access to clinical affiliates.