Selection, Elimination, & Preservation of LRC Resource Material

Policy Number: 
2000, 2003, 1/09, 3/12, 2/13/2025
8/07, 3/14, 2016, 2/13/2025 Pending BOT approval


MTSA’s Learning Resource Center provides e-resources and services that support the rigorous demands of doctoral-level nurse anesthesia education, advanced research, and evidence-based projects.  These digital resources are available for online access to current students and faculty.  Selections to be added to the e-resources can be requested by faculty, reviewed by the Librarian and Exec VP, and proposed for approval to NAPC and PRC.  The library no longer offers print circulation and reference material for lending, other than the Textbook Loan Locker.  Any print books and/or journals already present in the library’s collection will remain at the discretion of Librarian and Executive VP.  Much of this material will be kept due to being electronically unavailable or for their historical significance in the field of nurse anesthesia.   

TEXTBOOK LOAN LOCKER:  The Learning Resource Center provides a print copy of each required MTSA textbook, along with a copy of texts from the NBCRNA bibliography.  These textbooks are available for day loan and must remain on campus and returned to the loan locker by the end of the day.  

Faculty instructing in any course may request that books related to their subject area be ordered, subject to approval by the Librarian and Executive VP.  MTSA sets a high budgetary priority on the LRC, and it is likely that most requests will be honored.  Should the Nurse Anesthesia Council or the President’s Council feel the policy is being abused; the policy will be made more stringent.  Purchases will most likely be for electronic/digital content only.  Any requests for print copies will be reviewed and approved by the Librarian and VP of Academics.    


Currently, other than the Textbook Loan Locker, purchases for the LRC collection will be digital/electronic. All print editions currently kept by the LRC are for campus access only, and not for circulation.  Any print books/journals that are deemed by the Librarian and VP of academics to no longer be desirable to be kept by the LRC, the volume to be discarded will be made accessible to students/faculty for their personal library on a first come first serve basis.  All e-resources will be reviewed annually for utilization and continued relevance.  Recommendations for removal of under-utilized e-resources will be determined (by the Library Committee) and approved by NAPC and/or PRC. 

Preservation/Replacement of Resource Material

Certain texts, journals and anesthesia related items will be designated as part of the permanent collection as decided by the Librarian and Executive VP.  These items will be considered based upon historical and classical significance, pertaining to the history of nurse anesthesia and the MTSA’s place in the history of nurse anesthesia development.  An emphasis will be placed on developing a historical archive of such content – books, journals, and other anesthesia equipment for the purpose of passing on the rich history of MTSA and progression of nurse anesthesia development to future learners.  The LRC welcomes and will foster relationships with alumni who may want to contribute in some way to this important historical focus.